Who is behind everything
TAURUS INDUSTRIES is a Singapore based technology company with dedicated manufacturing and R&D facilities in IWATA, KANAGAWA and OSAKA city within JAPAN.
Our Patented “METHOD OF REMOVING LEAD SULFATE FILM OF LEAD ACID BATTERY ELECTRODE AND PULSE GENERATION EFFECT – 鉛電池電極の硫酸鉛皮膜除去方法、硫酸鉛皮膜除去パルス発生装置” (patent publication circa 2005 WIPO), was successfully commericalized into NANOPULSER+, a novel product solution in the field of sustainable and reversal technology for Lead Acid battery performance and longevity.
By using NANOPULSER+ on regular lead acid batteries, it has shown that internal sulphation can be can be reversed and restructured, thus retarding premature decay of the internal lead plates for ALL CLASSES of lead acid batteries.
It has been proven effective with high customer satisfaction, from both consumer and corporate sector users.
Besides serving local markets, NANOPULSER+ distributors are found in select South East Asian countries and further plans to expand other geographical markets are in process.
For more product information, please visit our website